The College Fellowship is the community which governs the College, conducts research and takes responsibility for the academic and personal development of the students. They are committed to creating a dynamic, welcoming, and friendly atmosphere here.

Miles Young is the Warden of New College. The Warden is the College's elected Head of House with overall responsibility for all College affairs.


From the Warden

Miles Young

Dear visitor, 

Welcome - virtually - to New College. Our buildings are some of the most beautiful in Oxford, but buildings don't make a community (though they are an enormously useful booster where the ingredients for a caring community pre-exist). Please try and assess us as a family of people and not just as a magnificent piece of built heritage. 

People often ask me what we believe. I like to think we are intolerant of intolerance. The College has had a long tradition of latitudinarianism in encompassing different creeds, backgrounds, races, beliefs, and orientations. It relishes debate between different viewpoints; and delights in both the traditions of the place and in the stimulus of innovation. 

Yours sincerely, 

Miles Young

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