New College choir performs with sister college in Cambridge

New College Choir joined the choir of our sister college in King's for a memorable performance of Haydn's Creation on Friday 3 November as part of the Cambridge Music Festival

This was the first such collaboration in a concert and was enormously successful, with the choirs singing to a packed chapel. It was a great opportunity for clerks and choristers to experience the beauties of King's Chapel on a sunny day and for our organists, Robert Quinney, Dónal McCann and Marcus McDevitt to return to old haunts: all were at King's, the first two as organ scholars, and the last as a treble.  

The concert was directed by Dan Hyde (King's) and Robert Quinney played the fortepiano.  Several New College senior members attended what was an inspiring new aspect of the 1444 'amicabilis concordia', which binds together King's, New College, Winchester and Eton - normally celebrated with an occasional Evensong in one of the four chapels.

New College and King's College choirs perform in King's chapel in Cambridge