Your University card, commonly known as a ‘Bod card’ (after the Bodleian Library) is your ID card around Oxford University. Don’t leave your room without it!
Among other things, it is used for:
- Accessing buildings
- Taking out library books
- Identifying yourself at exams and formal University events
- Paying for meals in college and for drinks at the bar
- Getting discounts. Many businesses in Oxford will accept a university card as eligibility for student discounts, admission to ‘student nights’ at clubs, etc.
Getting your University Card
Undergraduate freshers are sent a University Contract in their College freshers' packs, while graduate freshers are sent a Contract direct from their department. Completion and return of the Contract triggers the release of your University Card which will be available for collection by both undergraduates and graduates at registration.
Registered visiting students and matriculated non-award students are sent the appropriate application form, which they must complete and return to the College.
Replacement University Cards
You should take good care of your university card, but if it breaks or you lose it, you’ll need to replace it as a matter of urgency.
Staff and students who lose their university card will be charged a £15 flat rate replacement fee to cover the additional cost involved in issuing lost cards. This charge applies to any status card across the University, and replaces any previous policy. The loss of a card should be reported to the Tuition Office who will inform the University Card Office. Payment for lost cards needs to be made by the cardholder through the Oxford Online Store. On receipt of payment the Card Office will send a replacement card to the office for collection. Once a card is reported as lost, the barcode will be stopped and changed. Should the original card be found, it will no longer be useable. More details can be found at 'Lost, stolen or damaged cards'
Any card that needs to be renewed or replaced due to faults or other inadvertent damage, or to change of personal circumstances, will not incur the replacement fee. Cardholders who provide evidence that their card has been stolen (Police Crime Number) will not be required to pay for a replacement card either.