Vittoria Fallanca

Vittoria Fallanca

Career Development Fellow in French
Modern Languages
MA (Cantab), MSt (Oxon), DPhil (Oxon)

I read for a degree in Philosophy at Cambridge before coming to Oxford to read Modern Languages for my master's and doctorate. I joined New College as Career Development Fellow after teaching positions at Oriel College and the School of Modern Languages at the University of Bristol.


I teach the early modern period paper (Paper VII) and the early modern special authors paper (Paper X), as well as Prelims translation and half of the Prelims literature course. I also run a year-long course on literary theory for second year linguists.


I am a specialist of the Renaissance period, particularly the work of Michel de Montaigne. My first book looks at the workings of design ('dessein') in the Essais, uncovering the various uses to which Montaigne puts this term and, more broadly, what the concept of dessein reveals about the textual and authorial design of the Essais. My second project, 'The Anterotic Lyric', analyses the uses of the mythological figure of Anteros in French Renaissance verse through the lens of subjectivity, gender, friendship, and poetic identity. A committed comparatist, my broader interests lie at the intersections of literature, theory, philosophy and visual art. 

I have been involved in a number of interdisciplinary research projects. I co-founded PERLEGO, an international network devoted to expanding critical discourse on text and image studies, and was part of the 'Writing Technologies' TORCH Network and the 'Early Modern Keywords' project based at Durham University.

Selected Publications

The Design of Montaigne’s "Essais", in preparation with Oxford University Press

‘Parcourir le dessein des Essais’, Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Amis de Montaigne, 74 (2022), 207-22

‘“Farouche et extravagant” : les lignes de la pensée montaignienne’, Bulletin de la Société Internationale des Amis de Montaigne, 73 (2021), 179-97 

'"Cet autre moy": Poetic Selves and Anterotic Friendships in Sixteenth-Century France', Early Modern French Studies, 42:1 (2020), 22-37

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