MCR Matriculation - A Little Different This Year!

MCR matriculation was necessarily a little different this year! MCR President Steffen Ridderbusch told us about the measures taken to ensure that students could celebrate safely. 

"As we were unable to have a [traditional] reception and cohort photo, the MCR had two smaller events. 


To ensure that everyone could still have a reminder of this day, two members of the MCR committee took photos of the freshers in the beautiful New College cloisters. With individual time slots arranged beforehand and social distancing in operation, our students were able to get fantastic images while ensuring everyone’s safety. 


Two students in sub fusc, socially distanced in the Cloisters



In the evening the freshers celebrated with a sub fusc-themed bar night. Lucky enough to have good infrastructure and procedures in place, including online orders and table service, we were able to have a great evening well within our capacity."


Masked table service in operation in the MCR bar


Here's hoping we won't have to worry about this next year, but it's certainly good to know that our new MCR members were able to enjoy their matriculation in spite of the limitations. 

Photos courtesy of Mallory Perillo